AVHJÄLPT: Stort avbrott i Ubbhult fiber och närliggande nät

20.50: Hela nätet går ner. Som många har observerat lyser WAN-lampan på mediaomvandlaren, vilket indikerar att vårt nät fungerar, men att noden inte har kontakt med omvärlden. Vi har också fått rapporter om att Härryda stadsnät och Landvetter ligger nere.

22.22: IP-Onlys driftinformation säger att det skett en större incident i Göteborg. Det verkar som att flera nät blivit bortkopplade under reparationsarbetet. Beräknad klartid: 02.00

02.50: Konstateras att nätet nu är funktionellt igen.

Ett svar på ”AVHJÄLPT: Stort avbrott i Ubbhult fiber och närliggande nät”

  1. För dokumentation, logg från IP-Onlys driftstatus:

    Ticket Number: 000000001001269
    Status: ONGOING
    Fault Type: OUTAGE
    Location: GOTHENBURG
    Occured: 21/12/2020 06:00 UTC
    Estimated Time of Repair: 22/12/2020 01:00 UTC
    Service(s) Restored:


    • 21/12/2020 06:08 UTC We currently have an outage, troubleshooting is ongoing.
    • 21/12/2020 06:46 UTC Cable fault found, technician ordered to the fault location. Estimated to there within 2 hours.
    • 21/12/2020 06:57 UTC Added more affected services.
    • 21/12/2020 08:54 UTC Technician will arrive within 20 minutes. The fault is suspected to be caused by a damaged water pipe, this will be confirmed by the technician when he arrives.
    • 21/12/2020 09:41 UTC Excavation work has begun.
    • 21/12/2020 10:28 UTC Technicians are on site. Awaiting for the exacation to be finished and for the water damage to be fixed enough so it’s possible for the technicians to start repairing the fiber.
    • 21/12/2020 11:09 UTC The estimated time of repair is pushed back because the fault was more substantial than initial estimates.
    • 21/12/2020 12:19 UTC A secondary excavator has been ordered and is roughly 20 minutes away.
    • 21/12/2020 14:18 UTC The technicians prepare to cut the damaged cable. Following this the plan is to replace part of the cable.
    • 21/12/2020 15:46 UTC The technicians has discovered a damaged splicebox which is suspected to be the cause of the disturbance. This has most likely been damaged during the troubleshooting of the water mains.
    • 21/12/2020 17:51 UTC The estimated time of repair is pushed back because the fault was more substantial than initial estimates.
    • 21/12/2020 19:17 UTC Digging is still ongoing to free up the splicebox and affected cables.
    • 21/12/2020 19:52 UTC Technician has begun splicing the fiber.
    • 21/12/2020 20:25 UTC The damaged cable has been cut for repairs which has caused additional customer to be affected by this disturbance during this time.
    • 21/12/2020 21:20 UTC Splicing is continuing.

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